{Blog} Lessons From an 8 Year Old
My husband and I took our kids downhill skiing last week while they were on a long break from school. We were a bit apprehensive about...

{Blog} Mindful Holidays
As the calendar rolls over into the month of December, I usually brace myself for what it sure to be a busy, and possibly exhausting, few...

Changing with the Seasons
As the temperatures continue to drop, the leaves fall off the trees, and the morning dew glistens on the grass in the mornings, you might...

{Blog} Should you risk failure for the hope of success?
Sitting on the couch this morning, snuggled under a blanket with my daughter, laptop on my lap, she was getting upset with me because...

{Blog} The Call to Courage
When was the last time you did something courageous? When we take the time to think about it, most of us realize that we commit acts of...

{Blog} Are you giving away your power?
I’m a people-pleaser through and through. I find great joy in seeing other people happy and great sorrow in their sadness. If I can...

{Blog} Care Instructions
* *Guest blog post by Laura Seabloom, who is teaching Real, Redefined, and Radiant You (workshop) this Saturday and Sunday** I recently...

{Blog} A Difficult Day
We all have them. The days where we wake up in the morning and we aren’t quite sure how we will be able to get through it. Where we know...

{Blog} An Invitation to Experience More Joy
I took my kids to LEGO land over the weekend and we stayed at a hotel onsite that is quite literally covered in LEGOS. It was a dream...

{Blog} Overly Scheduled or Spontaneous?
Do you remember how to be spontaneous? Or, is your life so overly scheduled that you can’t recall the last time you did something just...