Guarding the Mind
Mindfulness as a general awareness of the present moment receives a lot of attention these days. This kind of awareness is sometimes...

{Blog} Are you giving away your power?
I’m a people-pleaser through and through. I find great joy in seeing other people happy and great sorrow in their sadness. If I can...

{Blog} A Difficult Day
We all have them. The days where we wake up in the morning and we aren’t quite sure how we will be able to get through it. Where we know...

Kind Words.
I have a chalkboard hanging in my entryway that I take down from time to time and let my kids decorate and write on. About a month ago my...

What is Self-Care, Anyway?
As a Mindfulness Coach I love that I get to have conversations with people about how to manage stress and cultivate more ease in their...

Worlds Worst Mom?
Ever have one of those days where you are certain you are the worlds worst mom? Your kids can’t stop fighting with each other and you are...